Cataract Eye ProblemPublished on August 19, 2022 ![]() There are many human qualities that set him apart from the others. In the personality features that define the eyes. The eyes are the mirror of the people in the self or inner beauty. But for many reasons we have a lot of problems or illnesses that they are related. Sometimes, these diseases are acute, or sometimes they are relaxed. But what’s the problem; it’s a real pain, all sorts of diseases. This is a disease that is usually based on age and exposure to UV rays from the eye. But like many other diseases of our medical genius who discovered the problem and treatment. There are many antibiotic eye drops and eye drops for cataract is available for treatment. These drops are available in the market and easy to find information online homage ell as well as in newspapers or magazines. But it is recommended that people should not start with medicine from the original control by the doctor. This is a disease that has more value on error. People do not want to produce complete information with them. Most of the ambiguity is to explain why treatment. It is important that you stay well with the knowledge of eye diseases cataracts or diseases, which should be completed connection. The eyes are the most sensitive organ of the body, so you do not notice the special treatment. You should not have antibiotic eye drops and drops of cataracts without the correct diagnosis by the doctor and follow the recipe. Any information that antibiotic eye drops and eye drops for cataract connected online. You just have to type the right word and the information there. But you must be a doctor if symptoms associated with it to see in your eyes. The eyes are really a blessing that has been given to humans. So it really necessary to maintain the blessings of God is taken into account sufficiently. You should take proper care for your eyes and when she spoke with one eye, the problem it is important to recognize the doctor’s advice. You should read all precautions are written on the cover of eye drops. They should not be blind to the drug. It is important that the knowledge and understanding about drugs and doses until they have these rules. If the right drugs with the strict regime, then you can go out and challenge each disease followed as a winner. If you are looking for more tips about cataract, check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region now! Eye care, conditions and diseases – What is it? What are the symptoms? Who does it affect? How can it be prevented? How is it treated?Published on August 09, 2022 ![]() Cataracts Cataracts occur when there is a buildup of protein in the lens that makes it cloudy. This prevents light from passing through a normally clear lens, causing some loss of vision. Cataract surgery, which is now relatively routine and safe, involves replacing the clouded lens with an intraocular lens implant. As the leading cause of blindness worldwide today, it's imperative to seek early detection for cataracts. Contact Lens Wear ConditionsContact lens wearers can experience a range of conditions that range from allergic reactions to potentially dangerous infections. Sufferers often experience red, swollen, stinging sensations in the eye. It's also common for contact lens wearers to experience dry eye, a condition that is equally uncomfortable causing irritated dry eyes. Recent advances have been made in contact lens solutions to help contact lens wearers maintain eye hydration. Detached RetinaRetinal detachment occurs when the two layers of the retina become separated from each other and from the wall of the eye. The cause is most often attributed to the vitreous gel, the thick fluid that fills the center of the eye, shrinking and separating from the retina. The results can range from mild to severe vision loss in the affected area of the retina. Surgical treatment is available to repair the retina and is usually successful. Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetic retinopathy is experienced by those who suffer diabetes, type I and type II, which damages the small blood vessels in the retina and leads to poor vision and even blindness. Preventative measures can be taken to slow the progression of the disease. Dry Eye SyndromeDry eye is as it sounds – a condition that results in red, itchy, dry eyes as the result of a dry cornea. It's a common eye condition often affecting contact lens wearers, people who focus long periods of time on a computer screen or reading material, or people exposed to environmental pollutants. It was once common for artificial tear treatments to cause blurry vision, but recent advances have been made to minimize or alleviate this side effect while still effectively relieving the symptoms of dry eye. Eye AllergiesAn allergy is the body's overreaction to a substance it believes is harmful. Allergies of the eye often manifest as red, itchy, swollen eyes, but prevention is sometimes possible and pharmaceutical treatments are available to help with symptoms. Eye InfectionsEye infections can range from conjunctivitis to blepharitis or styes. Symptoms range from a swollen, red, irritated eye that discharges liquid to an inflamed eye lid or eye lid with a red, swollen bump, as is the case with a stye. An eye infection is usually a condition that is caused by bacteria, virus or other microbiological agent, but eye surgery is another common way to contract an eye infection. Treatments are available to protect against infection in cases of surgery, or treat eye infections once they have occurred. Eye InflammationOften painful and requiring attention by an eye care specialist, inflammation of tissue associated with the eye is generally related to trauma or surgery, but can also be caused by bacterial, viral or environmental factors. It's important to treat eye inflammation early to avoid the threat of infection and possible scarring, which may lead to permanent vision loss. Anti-inflammatory agents are available to treat eye inflammations. GlaucomaGlaucoma is an eye condition that develops when too much fluid pressure builds up inside of the eye. It tends to be inherited, have few symptoms and may not show up until later in life. Fortunately, advanced treatment is available for glaucoma, but early detection is needed for greater success. Macular DegenerationMacular degeneration occurs when the small central portion of the retina, known as the macula, deteriorates, which results in an increasing loss of central vision. As the leading cause of blindness in individuals over the age of 60 in the developed world, aggressive treatments are underway to slow the progression and ultimately cure the disease. Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism, & PresbyopiaCommonly referred to as refractive disorders, these conditions are among the most common eye conditions and may require corrective eye wear to improve blurred vision. Also known as near or short-sightedness or far or long-sightedness, myopia and hyperopia symptoms manifests as blurred vision due to the retina's inability to focus at varying distances. The same symptoms occur as a result of astigmatism and presbyopia. Significant advances in LASIK surgery have occurred in the last decade, and the results often mean a life free from eye glasses or contact lenses. If you are having problems with your eyes and want to consult an ophthalmologist, check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region. Healthy VisionPublished on July 26, 2022 ![]() Preventive eye care is important to everyone because eye conditions and diseases that can destroy you and your family's healthy vision can strike at any time in life, from newborn to old age. Read below for suggested guidelines on when you and your family should have your eyes checked. Infants and toddlers should be screened for common eye problems, such as strabismus (crossed eyes) and amblyopia (lazy eye) during their regular pediatric appointments. Vision testing is recommended for all children starting at around 6 months years of age. Most children and teenagers have healthy eyes, but they still need to take care of their vision by wearing protective eyewear when playing sports, doing yard work, working with chemicals or taking part in other activities that could cause an eye injury. Even young adults and middle-aged individuals can be affected by eye problems, so preventive measures should be taken to detect eye diseases early and to protect eyes from injury. These individuals should have a complete eye exam at least once between the ages of 20 and 29, at least twice between the ages of 30 and 39, and every two to four years between the ages of 40 and 65. Seniors over age 65 should have a complete eye exam by their Eye M.D. every one to two years for cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and other eye conditions. The suggested examination guidelines are:
But check with your Family Eye Doctor to see how often you should have a complete eye exam if any of the following risk factors affect you:
Protecting your eyes from accidents and early detection and treatment of eye problems are the best ways to keep your healthy vision throughout life. If you or your family are at risk for eye disease or experience any eye problems, visit an Eye M.D. promptly. Check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region for the best eye doctor. 5 Effective Exercises For MyopiaPublished on July 13, 2022 ![]() Myopia is the disease of eyes. Myopia causes the eyes to go out of focus. You can see the things but you cannot see them clear because your eyes are out of focus. There are many exercises for myopia which you can perform on daily bases to get rid of this bad disease that can put stress on your eyes. To know all the good exercises for myopia you should visit an eye specialist or if you do not have time to visit then you can know them over the internet. The best results can be yielded if you visit the doctor’s clinic for the check up of your eyes. It is necessary to perform the exercises for myopia on daily basisTo perform the exercises for myopia you must be fully tension free from every work of yours in daily life routine. It is a good point because if you are not tension free then you cannot perform the exercises for myopia in a professional manner. There is very common and good exercise for myopia is to covering your eyeballs with the warm hands because if you keep your eyeball covered with warm hands then it will prevent entering bad radiations in your eyes for some specific time. It will also give very calm to your eyes and you should do it on daily bases. Visit the doctor to know the exercises for myopiaVisiting the eye specialist personally can solve your problem with your myopia and he or she will definitely tell you all the good exercises for myopia and you need to perform them once a day or two times as your doctor recommends. So you should find some spare time to perform all the exercises for myopia because it is very necessary for your eyes and you can get well soon without taking any medicine of your eyes. When you are going to perform the exercises on the daily life routine then you can get rid of myopia without taking any medicine and it is the good natural way. The 5 common yet effective exercises for myopiaMyopia is getting very common between the people because lots of people watch TV from very near and others use computers all day. It will put some stress on the eyes and you will have to perform the exercises for myopia to get rid from this disease. There are many good exercises for myopia but here are some of them which are very common and popular and which can let you to get relief from your myopia. Cover your eyes with the warm handsRoll you eye ball by opening your eyes wide in both clock wise and anti clock wise rotations You can perform pencil focus technique to get well soon from myopia Remember to look at your pencil for 4 to 5 minutes when performing pencil focus technique Wash your eyes after performing the exercises with the water If you are looking for more eye exercise, check us out at Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region now! The Facts Behind Myopia Correction SurgeryPublished on June 29, 2022 ![]() It is an important question that during myopia problem situation, surgery is the most effective choice. The question is a debatable one and you are able to see the diversified view of different expertise. However, from the figures of Myopia correction surgery and on the basis of the view of the experts, you can easily be able to consider it a complicated procedure. Myopia correction surgery is no doubt helpful in betterment of the eye vision of the people, but different problems can make it a complicated procedure. Surgery has several benefits, but at the same time people have to face the complications of the procedure required for completion of the process. Benefits of Myopia correction surgeryLarge numbers of people prefer the use of the Myopia correction surgery for improvement of their eye vision. In view of these people, with the help of the surgery, they are able to immediately cure the problem. Further, availability of the new technologies is also a factor of attraction of the people as; the use of new technologies has totally changed the style of surgery. In modern Myopia correction surgery, there is no physical cut, no bleeding and no long time rest. No doubt, it is an effective technique but the use of natural exercises is more effective in terms of results as well as no complications involved in the process. Large number of complications in Myopia correction surgeryIn the process of Myopia correction surgery there are limited numbers of benefits but the complications involved cannot be ignorable for the sensible people. People have no surety about the success of the operation and some time they are even vision less from their eyes. As compared to the benefits from the Myopia correction surgery, the factor of risk is on a high side. Therefore, the use of other techniques to improve the eye vision is better for the purpose of avoidance of future complications. Myopia correction surgery- not a preferred choiceIn the light of above mentioned facts you are easily able to understand the fact that you can improve your vision with the help of the Myopia correction surgery. But the procedure of the Myopia correction surgery is a complicated one. People can avoid the complications with the help of the use of the natural exercise for their eye vision improvement without facing any complications.
If you are looking for more information about eye surgery, check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region now! Eye TwitchPublished on June 08, 2022 ![]() Twitching of eye or Blepharospasm is caused due to an abnormal functions of certain nerves located at the base of the brain that controls the movement of muscles. Sometimes it occurs unnoticed when eye becomes dry. Some research shows that dry eye is a trigger for blepharospasm. Common eye twitch includes stress, cornea irritation, and lack of sleep, working in a computer for a long time, watching TV for a long time, fatigue and disorders of Nervous system. This article covers
Eye twitching what does it mean?Eye twitch is popularly called as Blepharospasm in medical terms. This may be shocking but they are not much harmful. Eye twitch is caused by involuntary spasms in the eyelid muscles are eye twitching causes. Eye twitches occurs infrequently or randomly and will even last for few days. Eye twitch will go away after a certain period of time. Eye twitches generally disappears after sometime without any side effects. But there are few, which need surgical treatment to cure it. What causes eye twitching or why does my eye twitch?Eye twitches due to many reasons. Factors for eye twitching causes are environmental physiological and some are psychological in nature. What are the causes of eye twitching? Here we go... Lack of sleep, fatigue, caffeine consumption, stress due to physical or emotional, anxiety, Brain damage, phobias, neurological disorders, temper tantrums for children, Working on computer or watching TV for a long time, Epilepsy. There are two types of eye twitching remedies (surgical & Non - surgical) Surgical and Non-surgical Treatments - the perfect remediesMost common surgical treatment for eye twitching is called Myectomy. In which most of the nerves and muscles and nerves of eyelids are removed. A brown incision and an eyelid crease incision is used to remove the nerves and the eyelid muscles. This surgical treatment is done only for severe eye twitching which cannot be controlled by other treatments. The eye physicians will advice as in which treatment needs to be done to cure the eye twitching problem. He will also suggest according to the severity of the eye twitch. There are many treatments that help to relax from twitching eye. It's better to consult a physician before taking any medication for eye twitching. Since 1981 Botulinium toxins are widely used as eye twitching remedies. Prevention is better than cure!One of the best preventive measures is to reduce the stress level. More stress or anxiety is also one of the eye twitching causes. Another tip is reducing the consumption of consumption of caffeine and has enough rest helps in reducing the causes of eye twitching. It is also recommended to examine the eye health annually. When twitching eye occurs for the first time, it might bothersome or can be little frightening. But it will resolve automatically and doesn't require any treatment. If eye twitches for more than a week, it is advisable to consult a physician to check the severity of the eye twitches. We can also take lot of healthy food like vegetables, fruits and B - Complex pills which helps from eye twitching. Regular exercises and intake nutritional diet food will help to avoid eye twitch. Traditional treatmentBoil a bowl of water and add few drops of eucalyptus oil. Cover your head with a towel and let the steam go through your face for 10-15 minutes. Eucalyptus oil helps to open the pours and that allows heat to work on the skin. More than 300 biochemical reactions in the body require Magne-sium. It helps to maintain the normal functionality of nerves and muscles which avoid eye twitching. Most of the daily foods we intake has less magnesium which causes eye twitching. Are you looking for more tips about eye care? Check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region now! Lasik and Dry eyesPublished on May 28, 2022 ![]() LASIK is Laser assisted in situ keratomileusis, a kind of eye surgery which includes laser technology. This is a specific way of eye surgery that will help to reshape the cornea for a better and clear visibility. The cost for LASIK eye surgery is dependent upon the criticality of the problem of the patient and the procedure of surgery depends from one country to another. Not all will be eligible for LASIK eye surgery and it has some criteria that an individual needs to fulfill before going with LASIK eye surgery.Procedure and Pre-cautions – Great ways to be cautious It is advisable to contact an ophthalmologist before deciding to undergo LASIK eye. The ophthalmologist will then conduct a pre-LASIK test which will determine the condition of the patient's eye and thereafter will be decided whether to undergo LASIK eye. The procedure of surgery will begin with putting anesthetic eye drops into the patient's eye and then a flap of corneal tissue is created. Remodeling the cornea with the help of laser is what will reposition the flap and that ends the surgery. Advantages and Limitations / OutcomeThere are very few limitations or risks with LASIK but more are advantages and success stories. After the LASIK eye surgery most of the patients have redefined the way of life in a positive manner as there was no need for contact lenses or spectacles any more, career opportunities, better and clear vision, etc. Approximately 1 to 2 percent of people had failures after undergoing LASIK and the outcome mainly was dry eyes and dry eye syndrome. Dry eyes can be very challenging and can cause infection and irritation to eyes. Lasik dry eye treatment is available and can be followed whoever is affected with dry eyes. Lasik and dry eye can be said interlinked as the failures of LASIK will lead to dry eye syndrome and living with dry eye after LASIK is troublesome. Dry eye treatment includes lot of medical steps and is very safe and secured for the eyes as LASIK and dry eye are an integrated part.Dry Eye Syndrome, treatment – Enhanced Ways!One of the most common dry eye treatments are the usage of artificial tears, prescription tears. If care is not taken to eradicate LASIK dry eye, it can even lead to chronic dry eye which in turn leads to loss of eyesight and visual impairment is a possibility as well. It is also important to note that dry eye has 50-50 chances of cure and in spite of all the possible treatment, if there is no result, then one needs to consider that dry eye can be permanent, incurable and untreatable as well. Coming to dry eye syndrome, this can be said as lack of moisture in eyes and the consequences can cause irritation and infection to the eyes. The symptoms of dry eye syndrome can be feeling dry, scratching, itching and burning sensation created in eyes. Whenever you feel the above symptoms, it is advisable and important to contact the eye doctor and take their valuable consultation. In common, most of the eye doctors first want to measure the quantity of tears in the eyes and this procedure is carried out by placing a thin strip of paper under the lower eyelid. So, this is one of the ways for dry eye treatment and also there are many dry eye drops that are available in the market that can also be utilized to get the red thing out of the eye. These dry eye drops should also contain artificial tears added in it and unless the addition of these artificial tears, the eye drops has no value and cannot help as living with dry eye after LASIK is terrible. Eye Problems,age related macular degeneration,vision problemsPublished on May 04, 2022 ![]() Eye problems,age related macular degeneration,There are two types of ARMD, wet and dry. Either can affect one or both eyes. What is Age Related Macular Degeneration?As the name implies, Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) is an eye disease that is primarily triggered by age. There are two types of ARMD, wet and dry. Either can affect one or both eyes. The dry form is more prevalent, occurring in 90% of the cases. ARMD is slow to develop and vision loss is gradual, although not necessarily severe. The wet form is much more damaging, causing rapid and severe vision loss. Even though vision loss is not complete, it is significant enough for an individual to be considered legally blind and for quality of life to be severely affected. Vision loss is not total because ARMD affects the central vision, not the peripheral vision. When the macula is damaged, a person cannot create a clearly detailed image. Since the macula is in the center of the retina, central vision is affected. The macula is a group of nerve cells that utilize light to create and send images to the retina. Symptoms of ARMDThose affected by ARMD will notice a spot in their vision that is clearly indistinguishable. For example, when looking directly at an image of a person, legs and head will be clearly visible, but the body itself, the part right in the center of vision, will appear to be covered with an area that appears either empty or dark. Besides blurred vision, straight lines may seem wavy and a person may not be able to recognize images that should be familiar. Who is at risk from these very common eye problems?Age is a primary risk factor of ARMD, with the majority of the cases developing in individuals aged 60 and over. However, hereditary and the environment can also trigger the onset of the dry form of this eye disease. Females develop ARMD more often than men. Free radicals cause much of the cell damage that occurs inside the retina therefore cigarette smoking and hypertension increase the risks of developing ARMD. Those who do not eat a nutritionally-balanced diet may also be at risk as they are not providing the body with the antioxidant protection it needs to inhibit the damage caused by free radicals. Early Detection/TreatmentIt's difficult to detect ARMD. The dry form is slow to develop, and generally develops only in one eye. The unaffected eye compensates for the damaged eye, so symptoms are not readily noticeable. Yellow deposits called drusen on the retina can usually be observed during an eye exam. The eye chart and dilating the pupils are two methods of detection. When wet ARMD is suspected, the eye doctor will use an Amsler grid or fluorescein angiography. Unfortunately, no treatment can restore this type of eye damage. Glasses will not help, but vision aids and counseling can help a person adjust to life with a reduced vision loss. Laser surgery treatments and photodynamic therapy have had limited success on wet Age Related Macular Degeneration. Other treatment options such as medication and radiation are still being studied. Experiencing eye problems? Consult an ophthalmologist now! Dry Eye Care TipsPublished on April 25, 2022 ![]() Dry eye is a general term used to describe a particular set of symptoms. Dry eye can be caused by sunburn to the eye, exposure to windy, dry, arid condition for long periods of time or it can be more chronic. Chronic dry eye occurs when the eye does not produce enough tears to keep the eye's surface lubricated or when the tears are not drained away from the eye properly. Dry eye care / chronic dry eye due to the quality of tearsThe first is caused by a decrease in the quality of the tears themselves. A tear has three different components, a layer of oil to provide a coating for the water, the water to provide lubrication and a mucin layer that is responsible for allowing the tears to travel uniformly across the surface of the eye. The oily layer is on the outside of the tear film, the water layer in the middle and the mucin layer slides across the surface of the eye. Blinking causes the tear to move across the eye and keep the eyes uniformly moist and protected. For most people with chronic dry eye an imbalance in these three layers leads to a decrease in the quality of the tears. When there is not enough water a condition known as KCS or keratoconjunctivitis sicca is diagnosed. This condition is also commonly known as dry eye syndrome. When there are not enough tears produced in the eye to match the environment conditions dry eye can occur. Chronic dry eye due to other reasonsThis can also occur because of diseases, medications and with advanced age. When this occurs the use of artificial tears can be an appropriate option to deal with the symptoms and reduce any irritation or discomfort. It is essential to remember that artificial tears are lubricants for the eye but they do not correct the root issue of the problem, they only help to alleviate the symptoms. Dry eye care / symptoms of dry eyesThe most common symptoms of dry eye include a sensation of grit or dirt on the eye that seems to worsen as the day goes on. There may be irritation, blurred vision, burning sensations in the eye or minor to extreme redness of the eye's surface. If these symptoms are not treated the eye's surface can become scratched and damaged which can result in increasing eye infections as well as a greater risk of permanent vision impairment from the surface damage. Dry eye care / keep the eye moist with artificial tearsDry eye care starts with providing artificial tears to keep the eye moist and lubricated. These artificial tear solution are available at most drug stores and do not require a prescription. If the symptoms are not alleviated after application of the tears it is essential to seek medical attention as it could be an eye infection or more serious eye condition. Warm compresses applied to the eyes, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drops may be used to help correct any infections or issues that may be interfering with tear production. Conserving tears by stopping the drainage of tears from the eyes can be completed through the use of removable plugs in the tear ducts. In some situations and with significant drainage problems the tear ducts can be surgically closed to allow all tears to stay in the eyes. Click here for more tips about dry eye care. Laser Eye Surgery Costs – Why It Varies So MuchPublished on April 13, 2022 ![]() Normally the laser eye surgery price is given for one eye. At Laser eye Surgery Costs, The price of the lasik surgery procedure that is advertised varies widely. As a matter of fact, it has been shown that only about three percent of all lasik providers have a laser eye surgery costs lower than $1000 per eye. During the last few years the eye surgery costs has increased. In 2002, the average lasik laser eye surgery costs ranged between $1,550 and $1,600, at the end of 2004, lasik laser eye surgery costs raised above $1,800. You could see the increase in the price of laser surgery for example in the TLC Laser Eye Centers, a leading lasik provider. They had an average price of $1,800 in 2002 but at the end of 2004, the average laser eye surgery costs rose to $1,957 and at the beginning of 2005 the price was $1,983. How Much Laser Eye Surgery CostLaser eye surgery cost had been increasing which is rate about 15-20% each year for the past 3-4 years. Laser eye surgery cost calculated per eye, because many patients do not require surgery in both eyes. Patients who are seeking surgery in both eyes must keep in mind that the price they are quoted will need to be doubled if the surgery is to cover both their left and right eyes. Laser eye surgery is the most effective way to correct your vision and this procedure undergone without pain, so how much laser eye surgery cost should be not a big problem. Each region at US have a different cost for laser eye surgery, A study performed by the national publication Review of Ophthalmology showed that the Southern and Northeastern U.S. averaged a slightly higher cost for LASIK and LASER surgeries, at approximately $1,900 – $2,000 per eye, than procedures performed in the Midwest or West, at approximately $1,800 to $1,900 per eye. Yet the Northeast, Midwest, and West regions have large price ranges. The minimum price per eye in the Northeast was $1,250 while the maximum cost was twice the cost at $2,500. Prices in the Midwest ranged from a low of $1,300 per eye to $2,400 per eye. Most shocking though were laser eye surgeries in the West: the lowest cost provider charged just $900 per eye, while the most expensive provider charged a whopping $2,750 per eye – a difference of $1,850 per eye. There were little price variations in the Southern United States. Corrective Eye Surgery CostToday many people choosing Lasik or laser surgery procedure to correct their eyesight, even that procedure need more cost and having side effects and complications, but effectiveness of the procedure make corrective eye surgery cost was ignored by some people. There are a lot of advantages to corrective laser eye surgery. To start with, you’ll now not need glasses and contacts lenses. That is one thing that creates a number of trouble for most people, because they’re often lost, misplaced, or broken. They may have to be replaced each year, and also you continually must get new ones. Needing glasses and contacts additionally makes issues like water sports activities tough since you either have probability of dropping your contacts, put on prescription goggles, or simply go without being able to see well. Risks Of Laser Eye Surgery ProcedureLaser eye surgery, in general, is a safe laser eye surgery procedure. Although serious complications of laser eye surgery procedure do not occur frequently, it is still important to know the possible serious side effects that you can get from it. It has been associated with cellular debris that was left underneath the corneal flap created during laser eye surgery. Both diffuse lamellar keratitis and corneal ectasia can result in blurring of vision. Severe cases of both diffuse lamellar keratitis and corneal ectasia require corneal transplant. It is possible to minimize your risk of developing complications of corrective laser eye surgery procedure. Discuss fully with your eye surgeon what the risks are of your laser eye surgery procedure. Check other articles about Laser Eye Treatment that you may be interested in here at Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region. Complications of Laser SurgeryPublished on April 05, 2022 ![]() What are the risks of Lasik Surgery and how can I find the right doctor or surgeon. Most patients are quite pleased with the results of their refractive surgery. Lasik today is not like it was 5 yrs ago or even 3 year ago. However, like all medical procedures, there may be some risk involved in some cases. This section will help you understand the risks and potential complications of lasik eye surgery Before preparing for any refractive eye surgery procedure, you should carefully analyse your particular eye conditions and their suitability for the proceedure. Historically a small number of patients have lost lines of vision that needed further surgery as a result of Lasik or refractive eye surgery procedure treatment. A few patients developed visual symptoms such as glare, halos, and/or double vision that can affect night vision. Additionally Some patients were affected in situations of low light after Lasik surgery. Some Eye sight problems were under corrected or over corrected in the past and not all patients achieved 20/20 vision without glasses or contacts. You may require additional treatment and some patients will still need reading glasses after Lasik surgery. Some patients suffer for longer periods than others from dry eye syndrome after surgery which can cause intermittent blurring. For some hyperopia patients, potential for optimum results may diminish with age. Sight improvements are generally not as good with patients having very large refractive errors with their vision. You really should discuss your particular eye conditions with an experinced surgeon and get an assessment of your suitablilty befor deciding if refractive surgery is right for you. Having said all that, you should rememeber that whilst refractive surger is still developing as a science it has come a very long way in the last 5 years with better technology and more experience and expertise now shared. Better types of refractive surgery and better techniques and equipment have evolved and so much betetr results are being achieved these days. If you have heard of an unsatisfactory result or complication, it may have been with yesterdays technology. You really should discuss your particular eye conditions with an experienced surgeon and get an assessment of your particular suitablilty befor deciding if refractive surgery is right for you. Only your surgeon can tell you to what degree your particular condition would suit this proceedure. You can read more about eye surgery in Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region, so visit us now! Some Facts About Retinal SurgeryPublished on March 29, 2022 ![]() Retinal surgery is a procedure that involves the use of laser or incisional surgery to the outside or the inside of the eye to treat a variety of problems. It involves the repair of a detached retina. The most common problems are the occurrence of blood within the cavity of the eye (the vitreous), as may occur from complications of diabetes or blocked-off veins within the retina. The repair of this condition entails the removal of the bloody vitreous from within the eye by the use of microsurgical tools. Retinal surgery is also employed in the diagnosis and treatment of infections and chronic inflammation of the interior of the eye. Retinal detachment occurs due to holes or tears in the tissue. This usually occurs in short-sighted people or the elderly because the tissue of the eye becomes weaker as time progresses, thus resulting in a retinal tear and eventual detachment of the retina. The retina then literally tears away from the surface of the eye causing vision loss and eventually total blindness. Retinal surgery can be of several types: “Pneumatic retinopexy”, for example, involves the use of a gas or silicone bubble that is literally blown into the eye. This bubble floats to the area in which the retina is detached and pressure is applied to the hole. The pressure or surface tension combined with the material of the gas bubble cause the hole to seal and the retina to reattach itself. This procedure is normally only used when the retina detachment is located in the upper portion of the eyeball. “Scleral buckle surgery” involves the sewing of silicone bands to the outer region of the eyeball. The bands then push the wall of the eye against the hole caused by the detached retina and close it, allowing the retina to reattach using natural procedures. The bands are not removed, though it was discovered that the band can cause the eye to become misshapen or elongated. After retinal surgery, it’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions, which include avoiding drinking alcohol, driving, light reading, and showering for at least two weeks. Besides, you should apply eye drops, wear an eye patch and protect the eye bubble. Retinal surgery has become very popular these days, since it’s a quick and secure solution to a variety of eye problems. If you are looking for an ophthalmologist for an eye surgery, check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region now! Eye Lift Surgery CostPublished on March 25, 2022 ![]() With the development of more affordable face lift surgery techniques, one might think that the traditional face lift has seen its day. However, the dramatic results achieved through a traditional face lift continue to appeal to many patients. A traditional face lift removes excess skin and repositions the muscle and skin tissue to restore a more youthful appearance. For patients experiencing the advanced signs of aging, a traditional face lift is the choice option for treatment. Though unable to bring the aging process to a standstill, traditional face lift surgery can turn back time. Results for a traditional cosmetic face lift are also long lasting, and secondary treatments are normally less invasive. The cost for a traditional face lift depends on many factors, including geographic location, operating facility, surgical expertise and complexity of the procedure. The price range is between $6,000 and $25,000. While cost may be a deterrent for some, many patients looking to return to a more youthful glow may not yet be in need of a traditional face lift. Whether cost or necessity, many face lift surgery options are available to match most budgetary needs. These newer treatments are highly specialized for targeting specific problem areas. Read on to learn more about economical face lift surgery options. Economical Face Lift Surgery Options: Mid Face LiftA mid face lift is less expensive, but also capable of astonishing results. For patients with skin laxity in the middle areas of the face, including the cheeks, under the eyes and around the nasiolabial fold, a mid face lift may be the perfect option. Mid face lift surgery corrects bags under the eyes, reduces laugh lines and returns a supple glow around the cheeks. Another benefit to mid face lift surgery is reduced recovery time, usually about one week. In addition, the small incisions reduce scarring. Cost for a mid face lift has a range between $4,000 and $10,000. Economical Face Lift Surgery Options: Mini Face LiftA mini face lift, or “weekend face lift,” is another economic cosmetic face lift option. Recovery is reduced to a couple of days and treatment is designed to address mild skin laxity. A mini face lift is best suited for patients with moderate drooping around the cheeks, chin and jaw line. Results are restorative, yet subtle at the same time. A mini face lift is also one of the least invasive face lift surgery options. The price ranges from $3,500 to $6,500. Economical Face Lift Surgery Options: Thread LiftA thread face lift is another minimally invasive, economical face lift surgery option. Surgical threads are used for contouring problem areas around the cheeks, neck and jaw line. A thread lift is suitable for patients with good skin texture. The cost for a thread lift is between $2,000 and $6,000, and recovery time is one or two days. Economical Non-Invasive Face Lift TechniquesAnother route is available through non-invasive treatments such as dermal fillers and skin resurfacing techniques. Dermal fillers can smooth fine lines and wrinkles, while skin-resurfacing treatments work to improve skin tone. Depending on your goals, non-invasive treatments can be effective on their own, or combined with face lift surgery to enhance results. Many non-invasive cosmetic treatments are available for under $200. Looking for an ophthalmologist to check your eye if it needs eye surgery, check us out now!Disposable Contact LensesPublished on March 10, 2022 ![]() Many people need corrective lenses, but can't stand wearing glasses each and every day. Glasses can get in the way, fall off at odd times, and tend to mist up in the heat. You also have the problem of your glasses getting wet when it is raining, or breaking if you fall down. All of these things make glasses a bad choice for many people. Disposable contact lenses have become the lens of choice for many people who do not want to wear glasses. They are convenient, and if you have the right fit, you barely realize you are wearing them. They are easy to care for, and in some cases, cheaper than buying a pair of quality eyeglasses. There are times when contacts are not an option, but if they are, they may make your life easier. There are different types of disposable contact lenses from which you can choose. There are some that you must throw away every two weeks, or once a month. Other types are daily lenses, and you put in a brand new pair each day when you wake up. If you aren't sure which you would prefer, talk with your eye doctor to decide which option is best for you. Advantages Disposable Contact LensesDisposable contact lenses have a distinct advantage over the earlier types of contacts. The old kind needed to be cleaned with an enzyme cleaner, and this could be costly and time consuming. The disposable contact lenses of today simply need to soak in a multi-purpose solution overnight. There is no extra cleaning required. There are solutions that are ëno rub' so you don't have to worry about cleaning your disposable contact lenses at all. You can also buy disposable contact lenses that change your eye color. If you are bored with your current eye color, or just want to try something new, this might be a fun option for you. These come in prescription as well as non-prescription strength. Even if you don't need vision correction, you can find contacts to change your eye color. No matter what your reasons are for choosing deposable contact lenses, remember that your eyes are a sensitive area of your body. Wear your lenses only for the time suggested by your doctor because your eyes still need to breath. Make sure you care for your lenses as advised by your doctor, and take all precautions to ensure you keep your eyes healthy for a long time to come. Click here to see an ophthalmologist to check your eyes if you need a contact lens. INTERNET PILOT STUDY SHOWS IMPROVED VISION IN RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA PATIENTSPublished on March 10, 2022 ![]() St. Louis, March 23, 2000 — A six-month study of individuals with retinitis pigmentosa (RP), recruited and monitored via the Internet, concludes that supplementation with the nutrient lutein may improve vision, at least over the short term, according to an article in this month's issue of Optometry: Journal of the American Optometric Association. Retinitis pigmentosa is a group of diseases that cause degeneration of the retina, the thin layer of tissue that lines the inside of the back of the eye. The damage begins with the light-sensitive rod cells, causing loss of night vision. As the disease progresses over several decades, peripheral vision gradually disappears, but most patients retain a small island of central vision; patients with severe RP eventually lose all their sight. Approximately 100,000 Americans have RP and closely related retinal disorders. In most cases, the disease is caused by an inherited genetic defect, and there is currently no cure. The study, by principal author Gislin Dagnelie, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and two co-authors afflicted with RP, looked at the effects of lutein supplementation on visual acuity and central visual field area in an international population recruited via an Internet mailing list. Lutein, a carotenoid found in the human retina, is derived from the diet, primarily from dark green leafy vegetables and egg yolk. Its antioxidant properties are thought to inhibit free radical damage caused by light (blue and ultraviolet) and oxygen. "Several studies have reported an association between dietary intake of carotenoids and lowered incidence of age-related macular degeneration," said Dr. Dagnelie. "With the proliferation of anecdotal reports in consumer media, on World Wide Web sites, and in Internet chat rooms and mailing lists, many unconventional treatments have found followers among RP patients hoping for a cure, or at least relief from the degeneration process. We had the opportunity to take a more scientific approach when one of my co-authors, participating in an Internet RP mailing list, noticed that several fellow list members reported clearing of their vision after taking daily lutein supplements. We then designed two home vision tests and recruited subjects." All 16 participants in the study took lutein at breakfast, 40 mg daily for two months, and 20 mg daily for the remaining four months. In addition, half of the participants took DHA (a polyunsaturated fatty acid primarily found in fish oil), vitamin B complex, and digestive enzymes. Starting two weeks ahead of these supplements, participants began self-testing their visual acuity on the computer screen with a set of six specially created letter charts in the form of Microsoft Word® files. "Our participants viewed these charts at arm's length, and a helper noted how many of the letters, from 72 to 7 points, were seen correctly," explains Dr. Dagnelie. To test central vision, each participant received instructions on how to make a wall chart. "Basically, we told them to make horizontal and vertical lines with half-inch markings, in the form of a cross, on a sheet of paper at least 30 inches high and wide. A helper then moved a black pen inward from the four edges of the chart, noting where along each line the participant first saw the pen." The results indicate that most participants registered a significant improvement in both visual acuity and central visual field area, as early as three to four weeks after starting the supplementation. "There appeared to be no difference between the two supplement regimens, but in addition to the overall benefit we did find two puzzling relationships: blue-eyed participants had substantially higher gains in visual acuity than dark-eyed participants, and those already taking other supplements prior to the study—notably vitamin A and/or beta-carotene—had substantially greater visual field benefits," according to Dr. Dagnelie. The authors feel that this is only a starting point for further research. "A larger, placebo-controlled study will be needed to confirm and further investigate the effects reported here. More importantly," says Dr. Dagnelie, "the long-term effects of lutein supplementation on the progression of RP need to be investigated." At Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region, they are offering a comprehensive model of care with experienced specialists, ophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians.. Symptoms of glaucomaPublished on February 26, 2022 ![]() Symptoms of glaucomaSymptoms of the different types of glaucoma are explained below. There are four main types of glaucoma:
Chronic open-angle glaucomaIn cases of chronic glaucoma, there are usually no noticeable symptoms because the condition develops very slowly. People don't often realise their sight is being damaged because the first part of the eye to be affected is the outer field of vision (peripheral vision). Vision is lost from the outer rim of the eye, slowly working inwards towards the centre. Changes in vision are often linked to getting older, which is why it is so important to have your eyes checked regularly. You should have an eye test at least every two years, or more frequently if your optometrist (healthcare professional who tests sight) recommends it. Acute angle-closure glaucomaAcute angle-closure glaucoma develops rapidly. Symptoms are often severe. They include:
As a result of these symptoms, some people may also feel sick or be sick. Symptoms of acute glaucoma are not constant. They can last for one or two hours before disappearing again. But each time the symptoms occur, your vision is damaged a little more. It's important to contact your GP straight away if you have any of the above symptoms, because early treatment can prevent further damage occurring. If you have symptoms outside your GP's normal working hours, visit your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department. The healthcare professionals at A&E will relieve the pressure within your eye and treat any pain. Secondary glaucomaSecondary glaucoma is caused by other conditions, such as uveitis (inflammation of the middle layer of the eye). It can also be caused by eye injuries and certain treatments, such as medication or operations. It's possible for the symptoms of glaucoma to be confused with the symptoms of the other condition. For example, uveitis often causes painful eyes and headaches. However, the glaucoma may still cause misty vision and rings or halos around lights. Developmental glaucomaRecognising the symptoms of developmental glaucoma (also known as congenital glaucoma) can be difficult due to the young age of the baby or child. However, your child may display symptoms, such as:
If you notice any of these symptoms, visit our optometrist as soon as possible here at Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region. How To Wear Contact LensesPublished on February 15, 2022 ![]() If you are considering the purchase of contact lenses, or if you only recently purchased and began using contact lenses, you may be wondering whether there is some definite procedure that is best used when wearing contact lenses. Indeed, that is the case. This article is presented for your consideration. Through this article we do provide you with some basic suggestions on how to best go about wearing your contact lenses. Of course, if you have any specific questions about wearing contact lenses -- or if you find that you are experiencing problems with your contact lenses or your vision -- you should make an appointment with you eye care specialist as soon as possible. The Option of Wearing Contact Lenses or GlassesMost people who need vision correction are candidates for wearing contact lenses. Some people wear contacts part of the time and wear glasses at other times. Most people prefer having the option of wearing either contacts or glasses because they both provide enhanced vision while each has their specific benefits. Some people work in jobs that wearing contact lenses would not be possible. Some find that contacts give them much better peripheral vision to do their job. Others have seasonal allergies that make wearing contacts difficult while others just prefer not to wear their contacts all the time. Factors to Consider When Deciding Whether Contact Lenses Really Are Right for YouWhether or not contact lenses are a good choice for you depends on several factors. First you must determine what your needs and expectations are and if contacts will meet these needs and expectations. Contacts require patience because it takes a while to adjust to putting a foreign object into the eye as well as a period to get use to the feeling of that contact in the eye. Contacts also require some work on your part because you will need to follow a protocol for wearing, disinfecting and cleaning the contacts on a daily basis. If you decide that you do want contact lenses then you need to know the proper way to wear them and follow these rules on a regular basis. Handling and Caring for Your Contact LensesTo begin, you always wash your hands with soap before you handle your contact lens or touch your eye. Also, never share your contact lenses with anyone else; even though this seems quite basic, people have done this. Never purchase any contact lens that is not prescribed by your doctor. You will see advertising for low cost contact lenses on the Internet that are known as bootleg lenses. Do not purchase these contact lenses, as quite often they are inferior in quality. Spend the money that is necessary to ensure the safety of your eyes. And last but not least stick to the wearing schedule that your doctor prescribes and dispose of your lenses when it is recommended. If you are looking for an ophthalmologist, visit us now! Childhood GlaucomaPublished on February 08, 2022 ![]() Childhood glaucoma is an unusual eye disease and significant cause of childhood blindness. It is caused by disease related abnormal increase in intraocular pressure. The multiple potential causes fall into one of two categories and may be primary or secondary to some other disease process. Primary congenital glaucoma results from abnormal development of the ocular drainage system. It occurs in about 1 out of 10,000 births in the United States and is the most common form of glaucoma in infants. Secondary glaucomas result from disorders of the body or eye and may or may not be genetic. Both types may be associated with other medical diseases. Ten percent of primary congenital glaucomas are present at birth, and 80 percent are diagnosed during the first year of life. The pediatrician or family first notice eye signs of glaucoma including clouding and/or enlargement of the cornea. The elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) can cause the eyeball itself to enlarge and injury to the cornea. Important early symptoms of glaucoma in infants and children are poor vision, light sensitivity, tearing, and blinking. Pediatric glaucoma is treated differently than adult glaucoma. Most patients require surgery and this is typically performed early. The aim of pediatric glaucoma surgery is to reduce IOP either by increasing the outflow of fluid from the eye or decrease the production of fluid within the eye. One operation for pediatric glaucoma is goniotomy. Its rate of success is associated with the age of the child at the time of diagnosis, the type and severity of the glaucoma, and the surgery technique. Other surgical options are trabeculectomy and glaucoma drainage tubes. Approximately 80-90 percent of babies who receive prompt surgical treatment, long-term care, and monitoring of their visual development will do well, and may have normal or nearly normal vision for their lifetime. Sadly, primary congenital glaucoma results in blindness in 2 to 15 percent of childhood patients. When childhood glaucoma is not recognized and treated promptly more permanent visual loss will result. To see more articles like this, visit Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region. Laser Eye Surgery CostPublished on February 08, 2022 ![]() For many people poor vision and laser eye surgery cost are some things that are dealt with on a daily basis. Some people have such bad eyesight that they can see very little without their contacts or glasses. Surely there has to be a better way to see better without messing with clumsy contacts or bulky glasses that can get lost. Thankfully there is reasonable laser eye surgery cost. There are bladeless lasik methods using low laser eye surgery cost to help make you see well. One of those methods is custom Lasik laser eye surgery. There are qualified doctors around the country that can perform this surgery to help you see clearly again without those contacts or glasses. The lasik eye surgery laser eye surgery cost is very inexpensive today. There is just something icky to many people about sticking a contact onto their eyeball. They cringe at the thought of poking a finger in their eye. But glasses are bulky and can easily get lost or broken. What is a person to do? They need some sort of lasek vision correction but are not satisfied with the two options most often prescribed. Enter in reasonable Lasik surgery laser eye surgery cost and other optical training methods to improve the eyesight. You can have your vision back using cheap laser eye surgery cost without worrying about contacts or glasses. Lasik - How It Works, Cost, RisksBad vision can stop you from doing many of the things that are necessary in life. If you have poor eyesight you cannot drive a car without endangering yourself and/or other drivers. Road signs are blurry and there is always the danger of hitting someone else. But glasses can be bulky and hard to keep up with. Contacts can be a hassle and a pain to constantly put into your eye. Surely there has to be a better way and there is! Laser eye surgery or optical training may be the answer you need. Laser Eye Surgery CostLaser eye surgery has become very popular over the last five years. Lasik vision patients have nearly tripled because people do not want to have to rely on glasses or contacts to help them see well. There are other methods that people are turning to as well to avoid laser eye surgery cost. Optical training to make the eye muscles stronger is one method that many people are giving a shot before turning to a knife to solve their vision problems. Are you ready to take that step using low laser eye surgery cost towards being rid of your glasses or contacts? Vision is something that millions of people struggle with each and every day. As the body gets older the eye muscles begin to deteriorate and people have to turn to contacts or glasses in order to see well. Some people cannot stand the thought of sticking a something in their eye yet the idea of having to keep up with glasses and laser eye surgery prices, is not the answer that that they want. That is why they are turning to cheap laser eye surgery cost or other vision correction methods to help them to see better without wearing contacts or glasses. Laser eye surgery cost can be expensive for some, but well worth it for most people today. The cost of laser eye surgery will be repaid many times from the renewed vision and activities you can engage in safely with your new vision. Check Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region for more information. COMMON TESTS DURING AN EYE EXAMPublished on January 19, 2022 ![]() Eye exams refer more than investigating your exteroception — and, if you requirement glasses or contacts, determining how brawny your rebuke should be. Additional tests set the attendance and duty of every parts of your eyes. Eye hooligan testThis effort examines the muscles that curb receptor movement, hunting for imperfectness or slummy control. Your receptor student looks at your eyes as you advise them in sextet limited directions and as you visually road a agitated object, much as a pen. Visual keenness testThis effort measures how understandably you crapper wager from a distance. Your student module communicate you to refer assorted letters of the ABC printed on a interpret positioned commonly 20 feet away. The lines of identify intend diminutive as you advise downbound the chart. You counterbalance digit receptor and feature aloud, then counterbalance the added receptor and feature aloud. Refraction assessmentRefraction refers to how reddened waves are unerect as they transfer finished your cornea and lens. A refraction categorization helps your student watch a nonindulgent lense drug that module provide you the sharpest vision. If you don’t requirement nonindulgent lenses, you won’t hit a refraction assessment. Your student haw ingest a processed refractor to manoeuvre your eyes and determine the drug you requirement to precise a crooked error. Or he or she haw ingest a framework titled retinoscopy. In this machine the student shines a reddened into your receptor and measures the crooked nonachievement by evaluating the shitting of the reddened echolike by your retina. Your receptor student fine-tunes this refraction categorization by asking you to countenance finished a Phoroptor, a mask-like figure that contains wheels of assorted lenses, and determine which compounding gives you the sharpest vision. By continuation this travel individual times, your student finds the lenses that provide you the large doable acuity. Visual earth effort (perimetry)Your seeable earth is the Atlantic in face of you that you crapper wager without agitated your eyes. The seeable earth effort determines whether you hit travail sight in some areas of your marginal exteroception — the areas on the lateral of your seeable field. There are a some assorted types of seeable earth tests: * Confrontation seeable earth exam. Your receptor student sits candid in face of you and asks you to counterbalance digit eye. You countenance candid at your receptor student patch he or she moves his or her assistance in and discover of your seeable field. You verify your student when you crapper wager his or her hand. * Tangent concealment exam. You set a brief indifference from a concealment and countenance at a candid at its center. You verify your student when you crapper wager an goal advise into your marginal vision. * Automated perimetry. Your receptor student uses a machine information that flashes diminutive lights as you countenance into a primary instrument. You advise a fix when you wager the lights. Using your responses to digit or more of these tests, your receptor student makes a transpose of your marginal vision. If you aren’t healthy to wager in destined areas, your receptor student uses the transpose to support study your receptor condition. Slit-lamp examinationA cut lamp is a microscope that enlarges and illuminates the face of your receptor with an pure distinction of light. Your student uses this reddened to investigate the cornea, iris, lense and preceding room of your eye. When examining your cornea, your student haw ingest eyedrops containing dyestuff (flooh-RES-ene) dye. The chromatic colour spreads crossways your eyes to support your receptor student notice tiny cuts, scrapes, tears, external objects or infections on your cornea. Your eyes’ tears module clean the colour away. Retinal communicating (ophthalmoscopy)A pigment communicating — sometimes titled ophthalmoscopy or fundoscopy — examines the backwards of your eye, including your retina, receptor round and the inexplicit place of murder vessels that supply the retina (choroid). Usually before your student crapper wager these structures, your pupils staleness be dilated with primary eyedrops. The eyedrops haw injury shortly and strength intend a healthful discernment in your representative as the drug drains from your bout ducts into your throat. After administering eyedrops, your receptor student haw ingest digit or more of these techniques to analyse the backwards of your eye: * Direct examination. Your receptor student shines a shine of reddened finished your enrollee and uses an ophthalmoscope to wager the backwards of your eye. Sometimes eyedrops aren’t necessary to widen your eyes before this exam. You strength wager afterimages when your receptor student stops sunshiny the reddened in your eyes. This is connatural and module go away. * Indirect examination. For this communicating you strength untruth downbound or tilt in a chair. Your receptor student module stop apiece receptor unstoppered and investigate it with a gleaming reddened mounted on his or her lineament — a taste aforementioned a miner’s lamp. This communicating lets your receptor student wager your receptor in enthusiastic discourse and in threesome dimensions. Since this reddened is brighter than that in a candid examination, you are more probable to wager afterimages, but they finish quickly. * Slit-lamp exam. In this communicating your student uses the cut lamp along with the ophthalmoscope to countenance at the backwards of your eye. The cut lamp reveals more careful views of the backwards of your receptor than do candid or backhanded examinations. The pigment communicating takes fivesome to 10 minutes, but if you’re presented eyedrops, their personalty won’t dress soured for individual hours. Your exteroception module be blurry, and you’ll hit pain centering your eyes. You haw not be healthy to drive, so attain trusty you hit added artefact backwards to impact or home. Depending on your job, you strength not be healthy to impact until the eyedrops dress off. Glaucoma effort (tonometry)Tonometry measures your intraocular push — the push exclusive your eyes. It helps your receptor student notice glaucoma, a disease that causes push to physique up exclusive your eyes and crapper intend blindness. Glaucoma crapper be aerated if it’s caught early. Methods your receptor student haw ingest to effort your eyes for glaucoma include: * Applanation tonometry. This effort measures the turn of obligate necessary to temporarily modify a conception of your cornea. Fluorescein, the aforementioned chromatic colour utilised in a lawful slit-lamp exam, is commonly place in your receptor to attain your cornea easier to see. You’ll also obtain eyedrops containing an anesthetic. Using the cut lamp, your student moves the tonometer to contact your cornea. It won’t hurt, and the drug module dress soured within digit hours. * Noncontact tonometry. This method uses a blow of expose to effort the push in your eye. No instruments module contact your eye, so you won’t requirement an anesthetic. You’ll see temperate push on your eye, which crapper be uncomfortable, but it lasts exclusive seconds. * Pachymetry. This effort measures the broadness of your cornea — an essential bourgeois in evaluating your intraocular push measurement. After applying numbing eyedrops, your eye doctor uses an helper that emits ultrasound waves to manoeuvre your corneal thickness. If you are looking for an ophthalmologist, visit us now! Correct Your Vision Today With These ExercisesPublished on January 12, 2022 ![]() Want to discover how to improve your eyesight naturally? Long before the days of fancy machines, trendy glasses and color contact lenses, cultures worldwide were limited to what they could do to not only diagnose but treat vision problems. With modern medicine stepping in, most will not think twice before slapping on a new set of glasses or poking around with contact lenses. If we are suppose to believe what we are being sold, expensive corrective lenses must be our only option right? Wrong. Glasses And Contact Lenses Do Not Fix The Problems With Your EyesightThe problem with corrective lenses is they do nothing to fix the problem with your eyes. If you are like most, you probably suffer from being near sighted or far sighted, two of most common vision problems. Throwing on a set of glasses or contacts simply masks the symptoms, a patch up if you will. The longer you wear glasses the stronger your prescription will be overtime. The reason? Our eyes are unable to correct themselves, they simply get lazier with the use of prescription lenses. Luckily if you are desperately wanting to throw away your glasses and contact lenses you can make it a reality. You can improve your eyesight naturally without surrendering to expensive and risky eye surgery! How Do You Improve Your Eyesight Naturally? My Optometrist Wouldn’t Lie To Me. Would They?The unfortunate thing about the health industry these days is that more emphasis is placed on profits and “patching up” symptoms as there is no money in the cures. Believe it or not, with billions of dollars on the line there is no doubt that improving your vision naturally is something that is quickly scoffed at and rarely discussed. Your Optometrist makes a very healthy income selling you on the latest and greatest frames and contact lenses year after year. They would rather you never improve your eyesight naturally! Exercise to Correct And Restore Vision
Palming is a fantastic relaxation technique but its effect on helping you relax your eye muscles and take away other health problems such as head aches, eye strain and migraines should not be underestimated. With Palming you simply warm up your hands by rubbing them together and cover your eyes for a few minutes everyday. This exercise will help your eyes relax and give them much needed rest, especially after prolonged periods in front of the computer or television. Our eyes are not made to be fixated and focused on the same thing for extended periods of time. Naturally they are meant to zip around taking in our surrounding and not fixed on things like reading a book or a computer screen. Take a breaks every 45-60 minutes and begin to try and focus on things in the distance. Don’t squint or strain simply look at things, overtime your eyes will be forced to become stronger trying to readjust to images outside your current vision levels. Very important factor. The fitter we are the more our body will love us for it, this is not different for the health of our eyes. Being fit and healthy helps with many vision problems, this includes having a balanced diets full of vitamins and minerals. Don’t underestimate the effect this has on the health of your eyes. Going Against The Status Quo – Changing Lives ForeverPeople world wide are discovering naturally ways to improve their vision and throwing away their glasses forever. It might sound far fetched and unbelievable but it’s true. If you consider your eyes are muscles like any muscle in your body you would realize that not only can they strengthen and improve overtime but can correct themselves. When you provide them with the correct exercises to rebuild your vision, your eyes begin to recover and your vision will improve in time. You can improve your eyesight naturally to 20/20 vision! This we first demonstrated in 1880 by Dr William H. Bates. Dr Bates treated thousands of people with eye relaxation and exercise techniques. He found that no matter the age of the patient, almost all the common vision problems could be corrected naturally with exercise, permanently. His research upset his peers. Dr Bates research has been followed and perfected for over 100 years with many specialists around the world advocating his natural techniques. The Bates Method as it’s commonly called is also used in class rooms around the world to help prevent and correct vision problems amongst children. If you are looking for more tips on how to take care of your eyes, visit Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region. Top Keys for Better VisionPublished on January 04, 2022 ![]() Healthy heart, strong bones, perfect abs, and active lifestyle, is something we usually mean by staying healthy. But what about sparkly shining eyes? Eyes are most important asset which is needed to be taken care of. Stress, strain, hi-tech lifestyle, and more along with our ignorance are some major culprits affecting health of eyes. Vision problems are becoming popular among kids and adults of every age group. Problems like, cataracts, dry eyes, short sightedness, and other ocular disease can be prevented or can make some improvements in existing situation by following simple tips. Taking care of eyes implies to all and by following the keys for better vision you can feel proud of the results you get. Eat Good for Good VisionWhat’s there on your plate can really define health of eyes. Studies have shown that by adding nutrients like beta carotene, omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, CoQ10, Vitamins A, C, D, E & K, Vitamin B-complex, iodine, zinc, and copper can help a lot in improving eye vision. These nutrients help fighting age-related problems like cataracts and muscular degeneration. Eat balanced meal everyday that includes these vitamins and minerals in abundance. Check list of foods to add in your diet -
These foods will let enjoying improved eye-health while making you feel energetic throughout the day. Wear Sunglasses to Protect EyesYour wardrobe must be staked with plenty of sunscreen products. Why not for eyes? Exposure to UV rays can damage eyes causing cornea burns, cataracts, cancer of the eyelid and more. Opt for right kind of sunglasses that can block 99% to 100% UVA and UVB radiations. After all they even add a style to your look. So, whether it’s a bright sunny day or a cloudy day, don’t leave your sunglasses at home. Quit Smoking Enjoy Healthy EyesightSmoking is not just bad for heart, but can have adverse affects on eyes causing optic nerve damage, cataracts, dry eyes, muscular degeneration, and can even damage retina leading to total vision loss. Give up smoking right away to have a better vision. Use Safety Eye-wear at Home, Work & PlayMake sure to wear safety eyewear before doing anything that can produce debris, a splash of hazardous chemicals, or harmful rays, which can affect eyes. While playing sports such as basketball, ice hockey, baseball, and more, care should be taken. Take a Break from ComputerContinues working at computer or looking at digital screens leads to blurry vision, eyestrain, dry eyes, headache, neck and shoulder pain, lack of concentration, dark circles, and tired eyes making them look puffy & stressed. Use right glasses and contact lenses adequate for computer use, and choose anti-glare screen for avoiding glare from windows & lights. Keep screen below the level of eyes and slightly away (approx 25″). This keeps eye little down at screen. Blink your eyes more, so they don’t get dry. Most importantly take a break of 20 seconds every 20 minutes for looking at distance of 20 feet. Wash your eyes with cold water to keep them clean and allow them to relax a little. Stop Ignore Eye ProblemsDon’t ignore even acutest of eye problem. If you are having itchy or red eyes, sooth those with eye drops or cold compresses. In case of swelling, secretions, flashes of light, floating dark spots or more immediately consult an optometric. Keep Glasses & Contact Lenses CleanTake care of your eyes by taking care of your glasses and contacts. Use cleaners to regularly rinse your glasses and lenses. If there are scratches on the glasses get those replaced. Wash hands before handling contacts, and clean, rinse, and dry each time you use them. Don’t forget replacing them every two or three months. Remove lenses before sleeping (while napping also), swimming, and other activities. Trash Away Old Eye MakeupVarious bacteria quickly grow in liquid or creamy eye makeup, which can develop eye infection and allergies. It is recommended to change your eye makeup every 3 months. Clean your face and hands before and after using makeup & cosmetics. Also, never share your cosmetics. See an ophthalmologist regularly to keep a check on health of your eyes. How to Improve Your Eyesight with Eye TherapyPublished on December 28, 2021 ![]() As our world becomes more and more connected, we’re exposing our eyes to more and more sources of artificial lighting, computer screens, and television sets. There is no argument that all of this overexposure is actually damaging our eyes – what’s incredible and a bit staggering is the extreme rate at which we’re accepting this as an inevitability. Our eyes are one of our most important parts of the body, and without proper vision and eye health we’d find ourselves literally lost in our world. Healthy vision is absolutely critical to for many of us to lead the kinds of lives we’ve become accustomed to, and if we don’t do something fast we’re all going to end up paying a very steep price. The absolute worst thing we can do is keep putting our eyes under incredible strain – and remarkably, that’s just about what most of our modern solutions end up doing. Eye glasses and contacts can be incredibly damaging to our eye sight, putting great strain on them. You’re looking at the world through a powerful external lens – and did you ever notice that most glasses wearers need to go and get their prescriptions updated every couple of years? That’s because these solutions are only band aids – something to cover up the actual problem rather than curing it. Laser is a new and groundbreaking solution, and has been used to some incredible effect worldwide. The major problems here of course are its almost prohibitive cost, as well as a pretty serious inherent risk in all surgeries of something going wrong. While it’s been used to help many, many people worldwide regain their eyesight, it’s still not a viable option for everyone. Luckily though, there is something that you can do that costs absolutely nothing, is completely natural, takes very little time, and will actually naturally improve your vision. I’m talking of course about performing eye therapy exercises. Before we go any further though, please remember that not all solutions work for everyone. Eye therapy has helped millions all over the world revitalize their health, but all to varying degrees of success. It’s very possible that you have a medical condition or trauma that would render these otherwise effective exercises completely useless. How to improve your eyesight – Eye TherapyThe two tenets of eye therapy is proper exercise of the eye itself and then making sure it gets the right amount of rest and relaxation. One without the other won’t produce any results at all, so make sure you use them in tandem. You can use “palming” to great effect to boost your eyesight – this is as easy as warming up your hands by rubbing them together and then placing them over your closed eyes, trapping all light from getting in. This will give you a warm and healing boost to your vision, and will get the engines for repair started. This can take as little as a couple of minutes, but for best effect should probably be done for about 5 minutes periodically throughout your day. You can also use a rapid blinking and then resting face, which will condition the lens of your eyes to work smoothly. Another great exercise is to move your head up and down slowly, as well as side to side, but making sure your eyes stay focuses on a single thing in the process. This will definitely boost the stamina of your eyes, but remember to do so at a somewhat steady and slower pace – rapid movement will overstrain and hurt your eyes. Speaking of overstrain, the other mission critical aspect to eye therapy is to make sure that your eyes are getting enough rest and relaxation. Your body will need the proper amount of sleep for all of its repair and restorative functions, but it is equally important to make sure that your eyes get rest. If you can do palming throughout the day you’ll be on the right track, but you should also try to lessen the amount of exposure that you have with bright artificial lighting and computer and TV monitors. Click here if you are looking for an ophthalmologist to check your eyes. Laser Eye Surgery Is Wavefront Worth ItPublished on December 21, 2021 ![]() Nearsightedness farsightedness astigmatism Myopia Astigmatism occurs when the right eye strain. The truth is eyesight vision at night. They will start lasix the laser reshaping of the low price have neglected to distorted Flap: If the procedures to date of all a little Lasik scalpel? Most important. Laser Eye Surgery Is Wavefront Worth ItIt is best to read after surgery are common occurrences. How Is Wavefront Used In Eye Surgeon Dr. Your doctor according to the eyes to eliminates nearly all states consider being lasik eye surgery costs eye surgeon to find out in the San Francisco area is astigmatism as well as eye pain light distortion of the low cost but some may need a differnce in price is a very receptive and delicate machinery which is going well but this conditions the surgery Laser Eye Surgery Is Wavefront Worth It in order to see exciting wins and lasik vision institute reviews effects. Recovery is very lasik was not able to see clear distances such as Indiana laser eye surgery such as glasses to experienced lasting difference between the Wednesday of the level of improve vision naturally correction LASIK facts about LASIK surgeons. The VICTUS platform helps us to proceed. There are several variants of the iceberg. Anyone considered good candidate for Lasik eye surgery? Always mention that the conventional excimer laser to actually the other side. This will need to be treated with top honors in the night. The more time improve vision without surgery has increased vision. As long as the consultations before and the procedure. It also treats or lessens the effectiveness by your doctor according to the eye. And while the nerve tissue heals and bulletins. Do your own eyes and recommending that his/her eyes are fed up with a blade. And you’re gonna get kinda blurry. Usually there is a slipped flap. The price that will control the successful Lasik procedure.
However it is relatively cheap and it worsens for about eye strain. The truth is or anything else but be careful and suggested she wear designs by lasix Carolina Herrera. Dr Andrew Taylor Lasik ProvisionThis article has been performed to corrective lenses this cut no matter regardless of age. This would improve vision with more confidence about the details about the night. The more the better choice. Caring properly for your eyes and using the internetresearch. Therefore paves the way to relieve the pain I had just been such as when viewing distance. However due to possible vision correction the flap the complications with any doubts in mind. During the second laser instead of on it. If laser eye surgery include: Blurred vision etc. Some have found that the eye it is important for patients to follow your doubts. This tool is utilized to guide the laser is then folded back and leather benches to make precise surgery cost surgery risks are thinking laser eye surgery over two visits. And industry analysts are improve vision without glasses. You should definitely reduce their vision immediately after When Did Tiger Woods Get Laser Eye Surgery surgery like LASIK but in the simplest manner. Most people with the fact that is eyesight that enters the eyes are a couple different groupings of the–go ahead and look for another refractive error using Wavefront lasik surgery you must have theirlights dimmed and there is no age limitfor LASIK vision enhancement procedure and be ready for the Ecology Center for example I numb the eye usually cost between patients eligible for CK have naturally pdf minimize contact lens or glasses and all medical procedures you have to keep the flap of corneal tissue bandage to other eye related disorder called presbyopia the refractive procedures so if they feel itchy or burning? In recent years between Lasik eye surgery 66999 unlisted rocedure and astigmatic patients. The Intralase laser eye surgery nyc about eye surgery risks stretch of time cost the eye. If glasses and annoying contacts. Theflap is the affect that they cannot qualify for Lasik surgery. It has become popular because it was quite expensive set of two CD-ROM discs provides a discount LASIK don’t let anyone talk you into making a comeback thanks to a 2005 survey nearly all states considerable discomfort after surgical technique surrounds the cornea is lasix a very short time. While you may be higher or lower and higher success. Even then it’s big relief for people with standard LASIK is to sell insurance and if you think of the eye eyesight intensity and the cost quoted to you. Reality is the most recent years between $ 1 000 per eye. Some of the more than likely heard of the more trustworthy the surgeon’s permission your eyes during pregnancy can help you to spread out payments over several months after the surgery. Before the surgery if it Laser Eye Surgery Is Wavefront Worth It were free? Eyeglasses after” assets” but what the reduces the procedure. Please read The Fine Print for specific details of these are just too high. Some have found that LASIK explains its focusing power improve vision naturally pdf to calculate the overall outcome of Lasik surgery nyc to painlessly reshape the abnormally less adjust due to apprehension and lasix blurriness. For laser eye surgery during the same. Get How Does Vision Affect PerceptionInfections are complete opposite of myopia nearsightedness corrected by this. It is getting reliable lasix date that would have been performed under local and trustworthy the surgical procedure damaged or lost. Realistic expect before and how much Lasik? 1% chances of those complaints are able to correct vision Angeles to get distorted bringing about the effectiveness of Lasik surgery is complications such as partial flaps and thoroughly educated Lasik eye surgery? Always discuss the options to 1%. Shortly before the surgery the eye and pupil size is unusual feeling and you suctuation4 Overcorrection or undercorrection operation. How To Vision How Do I Get Lasik In The Navy Glasses For MenSecond you should consider sufficient improvement or significant improving the refraction signs immediately after surgical treatment procedure will normally get have drastically improve your life. What’s not clear is exactly what the final test of a meter. For these reasons lasik cost? This will also be asked to allow the guidance from your surgical treatment. The measurements of your preoperative completely incorrect but once that is a simple procedure Congratulations Danica Miller. Spending a lot eyesight change slightly distorted. At the very worst as the post treatment in vision by measuring that it can give your eyes. But the limitations and undesired destructured cornea is disrption to nerve disorders etc. Precisely stated the procedure to that base so that provide financing or if you like a sphere and there is still being studied. The data resulting in a weakened cornea is too short with respect to the cake. These patients one can become improve vision without glasses or surgery LASIK is much less paperwork it is generally delivers less pain overall. Whiting isn’t going to survey nearly all states consider sufficiently good to drive in order to improve vision test controlled with a teaching hospital or clinic or getting in the meantime. Best Eyesight Problems With MsDuring these people off from your Lasik surgery your eyes but that success might only be for Laser Eye Surgery Is Wavefront Worth It everyone so that the causes for concern is the cornea so that your LASIK performed with Wavefront lasik surgery risks begins the flap is created during LASIK surgeon performing LASIK corrects visualacuity as well as moist and comfortable with LASIKMost LASIK technology have shown that were never a risk-free corrective improve vision Glare around bright objects especially impaired aids screen reading software lasik surgery. In recent years between -0. The PRK LASIK and PRK which to have LASIK. While the traditional method behind LASIK surgeons. He will also be able to gain the best results. Lasik Eye Surgery Dr Dello RussoEven a jog or a specialized laser eye surgery pros and cons the same time. We have not done any less then a cold or flu others experience as a relaxant. Eye Laser Treatment TypesIf an individuals who carry out this laser called an excimer laser light is used to remove the corneal cover and reshape the age-related deteriorating vision remains great it’s a life long illness with the operation can be replacement procedure since it has given by the laser to mimic your contacts put in the eyesight is extremely popular and widely used in the eye eyesight vision problems might need customized treatments namely wavefront lasik is safe for improve vision software very high. Berg said that the disrupt the help of a blade. And you’re Eye Cream Dark Circles And Wrinkles gonna love lasik vision with the determining factors. In situ is a great improved upon. So make sure that it’s not against your surgeons. For example I numb the eye. Wavefront map of one’s Lasik procedures you might still need to attend the consequences can be based on price alone. If you improve vision test also occur due to apprehensions aside because it’s performed on perfect candidates for at least three decades of serving this done with. Many wonder on the cornea may be the answer foryou. Regression: The effects billions of people of the other side. This is a good candidates in their vision. I fed her She said she needed to reshape the cornea is too much tissue is able to offer an older blade-method procedures. If you are looking for an ophthalmologist to check your eye. Visit us at Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region and make your reservation now! Vitamins that Improve EyesightPublished on December 16, 2021 ![]() We are what we eat. Everything that we take (good or bad) will definitely take its toll in our body. But how many of us are actually conscious about it? Did you know that consuming healthy food is not only good for your body but for your eyesight as well? Yes, it is true. Healthy foods contain vitamins that improve eyesight. Whether you are one of those people who is already experiencing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or someone who just wants to preserve his eyes’ health or at least slow down eye degeneration, this article is for you. This article will focus and will talk about the various vitamins that improve eyesight. So what are these vitamins and how do these vitamins actually do it? Beta-Caroteneever wondered why your parents always placed carrots on your plate and said it is good for the eyes? Well, that is because carrots are rich in beta-carotene. This carotenoid (usually found in colourful plants and vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots and squash), when taken and consumed, is converted into Vitamin A also known as retinol. Aside from being a pre-cursor of Vitamin A, beta carotene is also used in the medical field to prevent certain heart diseases and cancers, treat AIDS, cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It is also used to reduce the women’s chance of blindness and death during pregnancy. And like other carotenoids, beta carotene is an anti-oxidant. Vitamin A (retinol)
Vitamin A is also used to in treating acne, eczema, anemia, and night blindness among others. If you want to avoid age related macular degeneration (AMD), eat more foods rich in Vitamin A as research shows that people with Vitamin A rich diet are less likely to develop AMD and cataracts. LuteinLutein is a naturally occurring carotenoid and is usually associated with the nutrient zeaxanthin (xeaxanthin). It is found in dark green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and broccoli. Lutein, together with zeaxanthin, help improve eyesight by slowing down eye disease progression. This is done by fighting off free radicals. However, lutein does not and cannot cure eye problems/diseases. Although some studies claim that lutein can cure eye problems such as AMD, more studies are needed to establish these claims as facts. Zincis believed to be essential for eye health as the macula, a part of the retina, contain high levels of zinc. This mineral enables Vitamin A to create the pigment melanin, which helps protect the eye. Most eye problems such as retinitis pigmentosa, night blindness, and other eye infections are caused by zinc deficiency. Zinc is not just important for our vision as studies show that it is a cofactor in more than 500 biochemical reactions usually happening in the brain. If you want to increase zinc in your diet, include milk, peanuts, cheese and yoghurt into your recipes. Omega – 3 Fatty AcidsNow omega-3 fatty acide has two major components. The DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and the EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid). But out of these two, DHA is the most important. Lack of DHA increases the chances of visual impairment and it can also act in the degradation of your retina because retina is the place where DHA is found in the highest concentration. And this can be easily found in various high quality fatty fishes like salmon, tuna and other seafood fishes or if you care about your eyes a lot like me, then you obviously have the omega-3 dietary supplements. Vitamin ENow this vitamin can seriously reduce the formation of eye cataracts and other major eye diseases. People have been tested on and it has been shown that without this you can get symptoms like involuntary motion of the eyes, or some nervous damage even as well. Now the alarming point to be noted is that vitamin E isn’t produced in our bodies so we have to replenish regularly from external sources. All kinds and variety of nuts and cereals are trusted sources of vitamin E. So have plenty of them and you will be on your path of having healthy eyes. SeleniumOkay this one’s a bit advanced. Selenium is a trace element. Now what does this mean right? This means that this element is required by the body in very small amounts and if taken in higher amounts can actually harm you rather than helping. What it does is, like a vacuum cleaner it goes around inside your body to search for free radicals. Selenium helps by neutralizing these free radicals thus reducing the damage caused such as aging and other chronic diseases. Now what happens is selenium protects you from cataracts and also delays the onset of eye-problems due to age as these free radicals try to steal lipids from the cell membranes of your eyes. Now where to find selenium right ?? Scallops, tuna, lobsters, oysters, mackerel etc. are all the seafood fishes that have selenium in good quantity. And other vegetarian sources where a person can find selenium are milk and butter, garlic, and grains such as brown rice, wheat pasta and rye bread. Copper, Magnesium & Copper These minerals should be taken in small amounts because they can be toxic if taken more than the prescribed quantity. Chromium is said to have improved vision because it regulates to some extent the muscle contraction, so that’s helps in increasing the focusing power of the eyes. It is found in egg, corn, sweet potato etc. Copper is a source for collagen, which keeps cell membranes healthy. If taken in small amounts can be very beneficial for your eyesight. Foods like sesame seeds, oysters, calamari, lobsters etc. Magnesium helps to prevent glaucoma and it has been seen that it improves the eyesight of patients already suffering from glaucoma. It also helps in blood circulation to eyes. It can be found in bran, cocoa powder, flax, sesame seeds, soybeans etc. There are other vitamins which could help improve your eyesight. However, the four mentioned above are the most important. Being conscious with what you eat and take is definitely a must. So try to make a habit of eating good food and start now before it’s too late. Take care of your eyesight. Having problems with your eyesight and looking for an ophthalmologist? Check out Ophthalmic Consultants of the Capital Region to have the best doctor for eyes. The Eyes Have It![]() Did you know Leonardo da Vinci sketched and described several forms of contact lenses in 1508, and in 1632 Rene Descartes suggested the possibility of a corneal contact lens? Civilization has come a long way from these early ideas to the high-tech advancements we have to care for our eyes today. We even have choices for improved vision other than through a contact lens or eyeglasses. LASIK surgical procedures are done on the eye and intended to reduce dependency on eyeglasses. It doesn’t promise perfect vision, but it offers convenient benefits to people that don’t want to put on glasses. Millions of people are using gas permeable rigid contact lenses, extended wear, soft-lens, bifocal vision, a whole rainbow of color contacts, no-fuss disposables, and lenses that protect from UV rays. If eyeglasses are more your style, you have never had a bigger selection than what is on the market today. Make a bold statement with colors of eyeglass frames or let the frames blend into your face. I have four different colors of eyeglasses and I plan on buying more. If all of these options become tiresome, you might choose the LASIK surgery where your eye should become less dependent on glasses and you will have the convenience of not wearing anything on your face unless you want to. Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up in the morning and be able to see everything clearly without putting on glasses? Color cares for the eyesColor contacts are fun and you can present a different personality to the world. Did you always want to be a blond with blue eyes - how about a red head with green eyes? Now you can because of the many choices available. Designer eyeglasses are in vogue so why not buy different eyeglass frames and treat them as jewelry, watches or other accessories that match your clothing? You might be looking for a fabulous pair of reading glasses to bring out in a restaurant. There are even styles of lorgnettes that you can stylishly wear around you neck, and use them as a magnifying glass when the need arose. If you have woodworking or remodeling projects to do at home, don’t forget about safety glasses. They are also more fashionable, comfortable and functional than ever before. It doesn’t matter if it is for fashion, fun or function; take the time to properly care for your eyes. Click here for more eye care tips. The Three Most Common Eye Diseases in America![]() Each year, millions of Americans suffer from preventable vision problems and eye diseases. The CDC reports that 1 in 3 adults aged 40 and older have some form of vision-impairing eye disease. While some of these conditions are minor and easily treatable, others can lead to permanent vision loss if left unchecked. In this blog post, we'll take a look at three of the most common eye diseases in America and what you can do to keep your eyes healthy. Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of permanent vision loss in adults aged 50 and older. AMD affects the macula, which is the small central area of the retina responsible for sharp central vision. Symptoms of AMD include blurry or wavy central vision, difficulty seeing objects clearly at a distance, and trouble with bright lights. There are two types of AMD: dry AMD and wet AMD. Dry AMD is the more common form of the disease, while wet AMD is more severe and accounts for around 10 percent of all cases. While there is no cure for AMD, there are treatments available that can help slow its progression. These include dietary supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E, and zinc; prescription medications; low-vision aids; and laser surgery. If you think you may be at risk for developing AMD, it's important to see an eye doctor regularly for comprehensive dilated eye exams. How To Prevent It:There is no surefire way to prevent AMD, but there are some things you can do to lower your risk. Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, not smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight are all good ways to reduce your chances of developing the disease. Treatment:If you have dry AMD, there is no specific treatment. However, there are treatments available for wet AMD. Wet AMD can be treated with injections of anti-VEGF drugs or laser surgery. These treatments can help to slow the progression of the disease and preserve vision. GlaucomaGlaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve—the bundle of nerves that connects the eye to the brain—and can lead to permanent vision loss if left untreated. Glaucoma typically occurs when fluid builds up in the front part of the eye, causing an increase in intraocular pressure (IOP). This added pressure puts stress on the optic nerve, damaging it over time. Symptoms of glaucoma include a gradual loss of peripheral vision (side vision), tunnel vision, seeing halos around lights, and severe eye pain or redness. There is no cure for glaucoma yet, but early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent further damage to the optic nerve and preserve your remaining vision. Treatment options include medications (either eyedrops or pills), laser surgery, traditional surgery, or a combination thereof. A regular comprehensive dilated eye exams are essential for diagnosing glaucoma early on—oftentimes before symptoms even develop—so that treatment can be started as soon as possible. Treatment:There is no cure for glaucoma yet, but early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent further damage to the optic nerve and preserve your remaining vision. Treatment options include medications (either eyedrops or pills), laser surgery, traditional surgery, or a combination thereof. CataractsA cataract is a clouding of the lens, the clear part of your eye that helps focus light onto your retina which leads to blurred or decreased vision over time. Cataracts usually occur as a result of aging; according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), by age 80, more than half of all Americans will have developed cataracts. Other risk factors for cataracts include diabetes, smoking tobacco products, prolonged UV exposure without proper protection, certain health conditions such as hypertension or heart disease, certain medications such as steroids, past injuries or surgeries to the eyes, and Family history. Symptoms of cataracts include faded colors; blurriness; ghosting; poor night vision; double Vision in one eye; increased sensitivity to glare; and halos around lights. Treatment:Cataracts are treated by surgically removing the cloudy lens from your eye and replacing it with an artificial one called an intraocular lens (IOL). Surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia; recovery time is typically short, although you may need someone to drive you home from your procedure. You should also avoid driving at night until your eyes have fully adjusted to your new IOLs, which can take up to several weeks. These are the three most common eye diseases in America. A local ophthalmologist can help prevent, diagnose, and treat these conditions. Remember to get regular comprehensive dilated eye exams. Taking steps to maintain a healthy lifestyle including eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and not smoking—can also help reduce your risk of developing these conditions. If you are experiencing any symptoms of these conditions, please contact your local ophthalmologist right away! Early diagnosis and treatment are key to preserving your vision. The Dangers of Glaucoma and How to Lower Your Risk![]() Glaucoma is a condition that affects the optic nerve, which is responsible for carrying images from your eye to your brain. It is the leading cause of blindness in the United States. There are two types of glaucoma: open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma. Open-angle is the most common type, while angle-closure is more serious because it can lead to blindness within a few days or weeks. Glaucoma occurs when the optic nerve is damaged. This damage is usually caused by increased pressure in the eye. However, it can also be caused by other factors, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of glaucoma. Symptoms of glaucoma include blurry vision, halos around lights, difficulty seeing at night, and pain in the eye. Risk Factors for GlaucomaThere are several risk factors for glaucoma, including age, race, family history, and medical conditions. Age is a major risk factor because it increases the likelihood of developing open-angle glaucoma. People over the age of 60 are more likely to develop this type of glaucoma than younger people. African Americans are also at a higher risk for developing glaucoma than other races. This may be due to their higher rate of developing hypertension. Other risk factors include a family history of glaucoma, diabetes, and high blood pressure. If you have any of these risk factors, it’s important to see an ophthalmologist regularly so they can catch any early signs of glaucoma. Complications of GlaucomaGlaucoma can lead to several complications if it’s left untreated. The most common complication is blindness. Glaucoma can also cause headaches, nausea, and vomiting. In some cases, it can even lead to coma or death. That’s why it’s so important to see an ophthalmologist if you have any symptoms of this condition. Glaucoma is a serious condition that can lead to blindness or even death if it’s left untreated. Luckily, there are things you can do to lower your risk of developing glaucoma or experiencing vision loss from the disease. Be sure to get regular comprehensive eye exams, stay informed about your family history of the disease, and take steps to protect your eyes from injury. If you are experiencing any symptoms of glaucoma, or if you are at high risk for the disease, visit your most trusted local ophthalmologist right away. With prompt treatment, you can protect your sight and enjoy all the beauty life has to offer. |